
  1. Machine Learning Researcher

    Investigating the utility of Bayesian approaches for applications in vehicle pricing.
  2. Data Science Intern

    Worked with BERT-based models for multilingual customer service chatbots.


  1. Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. Rer. Nat.), Probabilistic Machine Learning

    Helmholtz AI, Technical University of Munich (TUM)
    Supervised by Vincent Fortuin. Mentored by Mark van der Wilk.
  2. Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), Computer and Information Engineering

    University of Cambridge

    Overall grade: Merit.

    Research project: class I (70%+). Thesis title: "Amortised Inference in Bayesian Neural Networks". Supervised by Matt Ashman and Adrian Weller. This project resulted in a workshop paper that was accepted at AABI 2023.

    Exams: class II.i (69.4%). Exam results inclue 73% in Advanced Information Theory and Coding, 72% in Probabilistic Machine Learning, 90% in Computational Statistics and Machine Learning.

  3. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Engineering

    University of Cambridge
    Overall grade: II.i